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Another Agent Provocateur: Geert Wilders

by on March 15, 2010

(This article was written in response to Henry Makow’s ( question whether Wilders is a Zionist pawn)

You’re right about Geert. He is indeed a Zionist pawn. He has traveled through Israel extensively and supports Israel totally in its existential war against barbarous and terrorist Islam. He has been there over forty times and spent a year in a kibbutz when he was younger.

Surprisingly enough, he opposed the continuation of the Afghanistan mission, which led to the fall of the cabinet here a couple of weeks ago. But no doubt this was because the mission is deeply unpopular here.

There has been some debate on who finances him. He doesn’t disclose this, but he is very popular with the AIPAC/ADL crowd in the US and there are strong reasons to believe (dutch link, use translation bots) they do at least part of the financing.

He has been on Dutch television exclaiming ‘we are all Israel’ to his Zionist backers in the US. (Click ‘bekijk uitzending’, go to 3:57)

In fact, another party is introducing a new law to force him to disclose who is behind him.
He likes yelling about the so called ‘left’ elite that so called runs the Netherlands. Wouter Bos, Labor Leader, is ex Shell, but these kinds of little details are beyond Geert. He will never question who started importing these Turks and Moroccans late sixties, early seventies. They were brought here, because the Dutch were apparently no longer were willing to do the dirty jobs: we had full employment those days. However, price elasticity suggests that when you can get no worker you must raise wages, and that is what our corporate boys did not want to do back then.

Geert is just another agent provocateur, useful idiot or hired, aimed at leading popular dissent in a blind alley. The Muslims are his bogey men. He foments a race/religion conflict in the Netherlands, for which there is some support, because large scale immigration is meeting mounting resentment here.

He totally ignores the bankers, even in this time of the Great Crunch.

In this way he clearly supports the NeoCon WW3 agenda, and takes away the heat from the Bankers.
He seems to have a solid base of between 15 and 20% of the populace. Not bad, but not quite enough to get real power in the Dutch political construct. In our system parties are forced to make coalitions to get majorities in the main parliamentary house (the “tweede kamer”). He will have to work with the Christian Democrats, who will allow him all sorts of nasty goodies (like forbidding head scarfs for your Muslim girls), but won’t make any concessions regarding the EU, NATO, the Police State (which he backs, of course, as a necessary measure to stop the bearded hooligans) etc.

He has a nice style, calling his political opponents ‘total idiots’. He has shown himself to be a good survivor, because he gets lambasted by the press here. The main ‘quality’ newspapers here are brain dead liberal outlets, always so civilized and nuanced. They play their role in declaring him an insult to civilization.

His main merit is, that he has made it politically correct to claim importing foreigners (‘multiculturalism’) is a farce. The discussion here has become more to the point, because of him. It is now reasonable to suggest that the newcomers must adapt and integrate. The day he invites his friends of the Jewish Persuasion to do the same would give his reasoning at least some consistency.

Geert is one of those ‘best enemies money can buy’. The scandal with his Fitna film (based on the obsucre Zionist production ‘Obsession’), which never really took off, was plugged by PM Balkenende, by his vociferous defamation of the film. Even the mainstream press wondered why Balkenende, a high class political animal, would give him so much attention, knowing of course about the old adage that bad publicity still is publicity.
The British did everything they could to give him standing by not allowing him to enter the country a few months back.

Geert is prosecuted for the ‘hate crime’ of comparing the Q’uran to Mein Kampf. This, of course, only serves to increase his popularity. Even I feel for him when confronted with such nonsense. Whether he is aware of the paradox that his Zionist/ADL/Political Correct masters are behind that bizarre institution is unclear to me.

The fact that Geert is now a real contender for Prime Minister in the coming June elections, is not so much his strength, but more the rot of the traditional powerhouses, the Christian Democrats (CDA) and Labor (PvdA), whose bases have been eroding severely over the last 15 years and who were almost destroyed by Pim Fortuyn, 9 years back. PvdA and CDA usually have some 35 and 45 seats each, of a total of 150 seats. They will both be dropping below the critical 30 seats, apparently, in the next election. Chances are Geert will get some 30 seats too. The biggest party gets the initiative in the coalition talks and delivers the PM if a coalition can be formed.

When this happens, Geert will be quickly bogged down in the political snake pit that is the Hague, with its endless compromises. As long as he doesn’t need to compromise, he has this great Macho allure, but when he gets to wield the axe in the national budget (150 billion for the bankers here, the sick, old and unemployed will have to pay), and is facing all the political infighting relating to this nightmare, he will start feeling the heat.

In short: our Geert is not a Jorg Haider and he will enjoy his pension on the shores of Tel Aviv, not in a car crash, unless his handlers find it more expedient to have him slaughtered like a pig for public relations purposes. Like what happened to his equally highly intelligent, but simple minded predecessors Pim Fortuyn and Theo van Gogh.

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  1. Wilders behoort tot de Zionisten, die door dik en dun Israël steunen, ongeacht of die worden geleid door oorlogsmisdadigers als Sharon of Netanyahu. Als we iets moeten voorkomen, is dat het aan de macht brengen van nog meer joden in de regering. We hebben de jood Hirsch Ballin (maar zegt dat ie katholiek is), straks misschien Job Cohen en misschien gaat ie samenwerken met Wilders. Nou, dan zijn we helemaal aan de Zionisten overgeleverd. Het is allemaal shit, die partijen, stem op een nieuwe partij, bijv. de Partij voor Gerechtigheid.

  2. Koen permalink

    Geert is threatened by Moslim terrorists (??), therefore he has to make use of body guards. The only problem is: how can we be sure that the origin of the threats, often in the form of emails, letters, etc … is indeed Islamitic ?? It is so easy to simulate a fake enemy, for instance by his old VVD budies with zionist ties.

    Threats aimed at Geert, just another zionist false flag operations to keep Geert busy?
    I pointed this out to Wilders by email, but he never responded.
    Yes, he is the zionist useful idiot, and so is the rest of Dutch politicians.

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  1. Ein weiterer Agent Provocateur: Geert Wilders | Criticomblog
  2. Die EU und der künstliche »Rechtspopulismus« | Criticomblog
  3. The EU And Faux ‘Far Right Populism’ | Making Sense of the Senseless......
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  5. Laat het Systeem het Systeem! | Argusoog

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