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Margrit Kennedy dies

by on January 10, 2014
Margrit Kennedy passed away

Margrit Kennedy, the world leading authority on interest-free economics, has passed away at the age of 74.

The news is already almost two weeks old: she died December 28th, from cancer. She is survived by her husband Declan Kennedy (from Ireland) and her daughter Antja.

Kennedy was an architect, a professor at the University of Hannover and an environmentalist who set out to understand why humanity is destroying its own habitat. Her path led her to the monetary system, usury in particular.

Usury is the great driver behind growing debt, growing money and hence the need for perpetual economic ‘growth’ at whatever cost. It is the need to pay off eternally growing interest charges that forces debtors into ever more atrocious behavior, including rapacious plunder of Mother Nature.

It’s hard to think of anybody who has done more to expose the ravaging implications of Usury. Margrit wrote several books on the issue, the defining one being “Interest and Inflation Free Money: Creating an Exchange Medium That Works for Everybody and Protects the Earth”. Her last one is “Occupy Money“.

Her main source of inspiration was Helmut Creutz, whose work she tirelessly promoted. Creutz is the one who established that the poorest 80% pay more interest than they receive to the richest 10%. He also found out that 40% of prices we pay are cost for capital passed on by producers.

She was one of the key players behind the rise of dozens of Regional Currencies in Germany after the Euro was implemented. She travelled all over the world to spread the word. She was in Iceland to advise the Government during the default.

I remember meeting her a couple of years back in Amsterdam, where we were both speaking at a big rally for monetary reform. During the diner beforehand I was sitting next to her and without further ado she glanced at me and asked: “so, when did you first see it?”. Referring to that defining moment in a life when we suddenly see what Usury is.

I am glad I then had (and took) the opportunity to tell her how important her work was for me.

The global monetary reform movement has lost a leading light. A huge thought leader. But she has influenced many, many people and her thinking will continue to grow through them.

It is only in the years and decades ahead that the true impact of her efforts will be properly appreciated.

Thank you for everything Margrit. Rest in peace.

Bill Still remembers Margrit Kennedy:

Tom Kennedy honouring a pioneer ‘UsuryFree Creative’.

On Interest
H. von Creutz: The Money Syndrome (the original studies that Margrit Kennedy popularized)

Margrit Kennedy

Margrit Kennedy

  1. Sylvia Schmid permalink

    I would like to know the name of the indian spiritual teacher Artvid?!
    I couldn’t figure out the name in the U-Tube Video!
    Many thanks


  2. Nelson permalink

    You might be gone prematurely Ms. Kennedy but your message will echo for eternity.

    Thank you for everything. Rest in Piece

  3. Dark Dirk permalink

    “so, when did you first see it?”
    When I have watched hers youtube moive
    She was an eye opener to me.
    Rest in Peace, Margrit Kennedy

  4. vikingbitch permalink

    Reblogged this on vikingbitch's Blog and commented:
    Check this blog out. Received this link from one of my followers. Free yourselves from usury Vikings!

  5. Iwanjka permalink

    Thanx for this article, intend to add it to a tweetcassette, please keep on doing what you do! Iwanjka

  6. Margrit Kennedy also honoured at The UsuryFree Eye Opener:

    Honouring Margrit Kennedy – A Pioneer “UsuryFree Creative”

  7. Those determined to free humanity would do well to remember the spirit of Margrit Kennedy, and work to accomplish her vision.

  8. I am so very saddened to hear this news.

    I owe her much for enlightening me. I will try to return the favour in some way…

    She fought for real freedom and the betterment of the lot of humanity.

    Her family can be proud that she is one of the few who have struggled against the might of the establishment to end today’s slavery.

    May her soul be blessed and elevated.

  9. bob klinck permalink

    Unfortunately she seems not to have adapted with the times. The major problem with modern finance is less usury than the growing disparity between total consumer income and total production costs resulting from automation and robotization. Surely it must eventually dawn on people that employing armies of bureaucrats and security personnel uselessly in order to distribute incomes is an idiotic, and highly dangerous, “solution” to this situation.

    • Paul permalink

      So, to paraphrase, “the major problem with modern finance is less usury”…than some of its symptoms and results!

  10. Mark R. Elsis | permalink

    Thank you for honoring this great woman.

  11. Her work remains an inspiration to many. May it continue to enlighten humanity. Condolences to her loved ones.

  12. Her work lives on!

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